柬埔寨《 西哈努克旅遊指南 》Sihanoukville Travel Guide

西哈努克 Sihanoukville
Not only visit ancient temples and castles, you can also enjoy beach lifestyle in Cambodia, travel to south west of Cambodia, you'll see very different city view compare to Siem Reap or Phem Penn ,face to Indian ocean, will give you an incredible sunset view from the beach, get enough of architectures? try to visit Sihanoukville!

西哈努克玩什麼 What's fun in Sihanoukville
1. 吃海鮮 Seafood
Definitely need to try some seafood restaurants ! also the street pedlar will have squids, shrimps BBQ, just give it a try :)
2. 各類水上活動 Water activities
香蕉船、水上摩托車都是一定有的,另外在Otres beach還有風帆、獨木舟等活動。
Banana boat, water scooter , windsurfing and kayak !
3. 在沙灘上放鬆 Relaxing on the beach
Sunshine, beer, fruit juice, massage , seafood BBQ , relaxing on the beach.
4. 無與倫比的夕陽 Enjoy the sunset
Need to say no more about the amazing sunset.
5. 熱鬧的夜市 Night market
Victor beach and Serendipity beach are most crowded beaches in Sihanoukville, during the night time, there will has a lot of bars and some clubs, also some street pedlar are cool !
6. 租摩托車到鄉間小路晃晃 Rent a motorbike
We didn't try to visit Sihanoukville countryside by motorbike, but we've done it in Siem Reap, so I'm sure it will give you a nice "getaway" experience if you're interested in local villages.
7. 搭船到小島度假 Visit the islands
I guess there are more than 50% of peoples who visit Sihanoukville is because their final destination is Koh Rong island, take 1.5 hours fast boat to the nature beauty island and enjoy this nice escape.

西哈努克的著名沙灘 Famous beaches in Sihanoukville
1. Serendipity beach
Serendipity beach is the most popular, crowded , bustling beach in Sihanoukville, bars, clubs, restaurants and souvenir stores , also has a lot of hotels located in here, the only thing annoyed me was been bother with beggar and or sales , but if you enjoy the night life and party , I will definitely recommend this beach for you:)
2. Sokha beach
位於Serendipity beach旁邊,卻是一座世外桃源,人煙稀少,能享受獨佔一大片海景的快感,觀光客不多,海灘乾淨、清幽,比較適合情侶或是不想被打擾的遊客。
Right beside to Serendipity beach, but not as crowded as Serendipity beach, infect, this one doesn't has too much tourists , so , enjoy the chilling afternoon and lying on the beach! it's more suitable for couples or ppl who are afraid of noise.
3. Otres beach
位於西哈努克的最下方,也是一座人煙稀少的乾淨海灘,有別於Sokha beach的寧靜,這裡除了能享受度假的清閒,更有許多水上/水下活動等你去體驗,不管是風帆還是浮潛,因為遊客少,污染也少,玩起來更是過癮,有興趣的旅客,可以去Otres activity center看看。
Otres beach located in the south of Sihanoukville, the beach is clean and beautiful, not crowded at all , but also has a lot of water activities can do on this beach , if you're interested, Otres activity center will be a nice agency to reach.

前往西哈努克 Go to Sihanoukville
1. 到市區買巴士票 Buy the bus ticket
Can either buy the ticket from Siem Reap or Phem Penn, we went there from Siem Reap, and as always, you can easily find the agency to buy the ticket, it took 10~12 hours from SR to Sihanoukville , one way ticket is around $15~18 USD per person.
2. 坐躺巴士或臥舖巴士 VIP bus or hotel bus
The bus takes more than 10 hours, so it usually start from 9pm, and offer "sleeping bus" that you can actually sleep on it, there has 2 kind of buses , one is called VIP bus , which only has seat can let you lie down, this one is like $15 /pp , another one is called hotel bus, which has actual bunk beds on the bus, with pillows and blankets,price is $18 /pp.
3. 兩間巴士公司的差別 2 different bus companies
As I know, there's 2 different companies running this route, one is Virak, another one is Olympic , the price doesn't have too much different, they both don't have restroom on the bus, but only Olympic has single bed , if you're travel solo, and don't wanna sleep with stranger, you should probably choose Olympic, cuz Virak only have king bed but usually you have to share with other.
4. 事先決定好要去哪個海灘 Make sure which beach you're going to
抵達之後,就會有嘟嘟車要來載你去飯店,通常如果還沒決定要去哪,他們都會在你到最熱鬧,也是最多飯店選擇的Serendipity beach,如果你比較想要到人煙稀少的安靜海灘,除了跟他們說你的飯店在那之外,也盡量指名海灘的名字,免得海灘和你的想像有落差。
Once you arrived, the tuk tuk driver will drive you to your hotel, if you already book it, it's all fine, but if you haven't book one, they'll usually bring you to the most popular beach as know as Serendipity beach, so if you're not the party type traveler, you will probably don't enjoy the stay in Sihanoukville, remember to make sure which beach type suit you best.

西哈努克小貼士 Sihanoukville Travel tips
1. 巴士上沒廁所 No restroom on the bus
They usually don't have restroom on the bus, so they'll stop by a resting stop every 3 to 4 hours.
2. 防蚊液 Insect repellent
There has a kind of bug called sand fly which haunting around the beach , I saw people been bitten like crazy , I've had same experience when I traveling in Bali, it was the most itchy feeling I've ever had, and it leave scar for a while, so take a good care of it I will say!
3. 海鮮餐廳的衛生 Hygiene of seafood
For personal experience, after keep eating seafood, I started to feel stomach, if you're sensitive with seafood, probably need to bring some pills with you.
4. 準備好享受原始的自然風光 Wild life in the island
Most of people will go to Koh Rong island while visiting Sihanoukville , and they're all amazing island for sure, get ready for the wild life on the island,which means suck signal, internet and lots of insects,living creatures!
5.一個西哈努克萬種風情 Different beach type
They're probably more than 5 beaches in Sihanoukville, everyone has their own style, no matter is party day to night, or just wanna spend some quiet moment with that one, make sure which beach type you wanna visit, otherwise it might let you disappointed due to the big difference.
6. 選擇在乾季時去 Go there in dry season
In Cambodia, dry season is from February to May, wet season is July to September, during wet season, Sihanoukville will rain a lot , so it might not be a good idea to visit there around wet season.

So here is my little Sihanoukville travel guide, my personal favorite beach is Otres, clean, beautiful, quiet but also with lots fun activities to do, altho, spend 10 hours on the bus travel to there, it's very tough, but if you have enough time, and interested in island , beach, try this getaway from the city, especially those island beside Sihanoukville, you will love it :)
Hope you enjoy!