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:[ I haven't been everywhere,But don't worry,It's on my list. ]
[ 關於作者和部落格 ]
部落格名稱來自「我們走吧!」的英文「 Let's Go 」,再把第一個字,換成想到世界各地的Zoey的英文名字開頭 Z , Zet's Go Everywhere 就是這樣誕生的。
[ About this blog ]
Zoey is a Taiwanese girl who addicted to travel and created this site. She's interested in bogging, photography, design and travel, in 2016, she created this blog, sharing stories, reviews and lifestyle , wish can inspire people's motivations of exploring this majestic world.
The blog is named by " Let's go " with Zoey's " Z " , so here comes the travel blog " Zet's Go Everywhere " .

[ 關於我的一些事 / Things about me ]
Zoey ,喜歡自助旅行、刺激的戶外活動、夜生活和人文藝術,熱愛夏天、海洋、大自然和動物,認為人生短暫,工作不該只是窩在室內,耗掉人生的一大半。地球的美妙是花一輩子都探索不完的,現在就起身吧。
Zoey, who in love with backpacking, outdoor adventures, cultures, night life, summer, ocean, nature and creatures.
Life is too short to spend most of the time in the cube, it will takes your whole life to explore this spectacular world, so start to do it, NOW!
聯絡信箱 Contact Me
Where do you recommend me to go ?
What travel tips you're interested in ?
Feel free to ask any question or leave your feedbacks & advices & Cooperation. Thank you!
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