柬埔寨《 吳哥窟旅遊指南 》Angkor Wat travel guide

吳哥窟小簡介 About Angkor City
Kingdom of Angkor built their castles and temples at twelve century, even after over 10 centuries, they still intact and keep them well, all the spectacular creations and cultures made them became one of the World Heritage Site.
Not only the Angkor wat, they're tons of temples all nearby each other, the old city became a " Must-see place " in Cambodia, and you absolutely won't miss it, you can even spend a week to explore this thrilling remains , after visited there , I'm pretty sure you won't regret to put it on your bucket list.

門票 Ticket
Ticket counter start at 5 a.m., gotta take a photograph for each person, they'll print your photo on the ticket with date and time, so , you'll got your unique one :)
There are 3 options :
1 day ticket : $20
3 days ticket : $40
7 days ticket : $60
if you buy 1 day ticket,the day line will be 24 hours after, so if you buy it at 5pm , you can still use it before next day's 5pm, which means you can do both sunset and sunrise schedules.
The ticket counter is close to the tourist police office, the driver (if you have) will stopped by there and let you buy the ticket first, if you go there by yourself, just follow the peoples, and you will see the counter for sure .

購買套裝行程 Purchase the tour package
There has a lot of tour agencies in Siem Reap city, very easy to find a tour package for visit Angkor city , you can go there by yourself, or just purchase a package , they're both easy , both cheap, and both convenient , in the end , we choose to purchase a package with tuk tuk driver ( cuz we're too lazy to ride bike :P ) but here comes the details :
1. 日出行程 Sunrise package
Departure (leave hotel) around 5am , the tour end around 1pm , usually they will pick you up (also bring you back) at your hotel, go there by a lil bus with other 10 ~ 15 peoples , price is around $ 25 USD per person , with an English/Chinese (or other language) narrator.
The most popular spot for the sunrise is in Angkor wat ancient castle, there has a lake right in front of the castle, try to squeeze in and catch an amazing shot around 7 am .
Personally recommend this tour package cuz sunrise is not as crowded as sunset (well, but still a lot of people tho..) and you can enjoy the lovely weather in the morning , but the sun will start to burn you out after mid day, so that's why.
2. 日落行程 Sunset package
Start from 1 pm to 8 pm (or 7 pm, depends on the agency company), also with pick up service, pretty much like sunrise package but they'll bring you to visit other temples first , then put Angkor wat in the end cuz the most popular spot is also at that lake in front of Angkor wat ( unless you wanna try to find some other spot ), the price is around $ 20 USD.
The sunset will start around 7 pm , the sky will start to turn red ,and you will see this amazing view reflected on the lake with Angkor wat and the colorful sky.
3. 跟團包車 Group bus
Suitable for group travelers , you can rent a group bus with narrator, driver, and pickup service , it is more convenient for a group who wanna visit the Angkor for 3 and 7 days package.
4. 包私人嘟嘟車 Private tuktuk
This is how we get to visit Angkor, we have 3 ppl and don’t wanna join any tour with lots of others, so we rent a private tuktuk with driver, asked him to pick us up in the different hostels, drive us all the way to Angkor city and also include moving to different temples in the ancient city, and deal with the schedule and price, remember to make some meeting spots and set up the time, to make both you and driver more convenient , usually the price will around $20 to $25 USD for a tuktuk, so depends on how many people going to share the price with you, but the maximin are 4 people for a tuktuk car.
5. 出租摩托車、腳踏車 Rent a scooter or bike
It’s very easy to rent a bike or scooter and ride all the way to visit Angkor city by yourself, if you wanna visit sunrise, remember to rent it the day before, you won’t find any agency open at 5am, and be careful when riding before sunrise cuz the road are pretty dark, but there’re always lots of ppl on the way with you, so don’t be too worry :)
This option is more suitable for people who want the schedule be more flexible and also enjoy riding in the country side, this is what we were considering between renting a private tuktuk, but we end up with tuktuk cuz we’re too lazy to ride :P and one thing remind : the sun will BURN you out in the afternoon. Also need to take care of parking and security, tons of locals and tourists there, make sure your bike won’t get steal.
I am very satisfied the option we choose, it saves time and energies, the price is also very friendly, our tuk tuk driver is very friendly and helpful as well, he almost took us to everywhere during that day, and also give us other ride during our stays in Siem Reap :)

最受歡迎的吳哥城 The most popular places in Angkor city
1. 小吳哥城 Angkor Wat

小吳哥城其實就是大名鼎鼎的吳哥窟,在十二世紀時,那裡就是現在的皇宮,佔地分長的廣,想要一整天都只花在吳哥窟上也決不是問題,著名的程度已是世界遺產等級,所以排名TOP 1。
Angkor Wat aka “ little Angkor city ” (not lil at all…) , it’s one of the most famous remains in the world, built in twelve century , it’s a very huge castle and I won’t be surprise if anyone get lost in it, this massive remains will almost spend you whole day to visit, and got so many histories , stories to learn, it is definitely the top 1 “must-visit”.
2. 大吳哥城 Angkor Thom

Angkor Thom aka “ Big Angkor city ”, like 3 kms away from Angkor wat , this one is a temple , not a castle for royals to live, I love Angkor Thom very much cuz the decorations are so special and powerful, it’s very hard to believe how their ancient built them without the modern equipments , they are a lot of their traditional gods in this temple, they make them on the wall, the ceiling , the pillars, you can see carving everywhere,what an exquisite creation!
3. 塔布隆寺 Ta Prohm

Few kms further from Angkor Thom, surrounding by thousand years old trees is the reason of why it's so famous, tho this one doesn't keep as well as others, but somehow it became another powerful view to enjoy.

吳哥窟小貼士 Angkor travel tips
1. 絕對值得早起 It worth to gets up early
Nevertheless, get up early always not easy, but after all,it will always make you feel good, doesn't it :) ? Grasp this chance ! before sun comes all the way out, you'll have few chilly hours that can make you enjoy the visiting, also , it will get more and more crowded in the afternoon, and also get super hot , so it is definitely worth you to wake up early.
2. 不要餵食猴子 Don't feed monkeys
Very easy to see monkeys, but they're wild and not that friendly tho..
3. 一雙好穿的鞋 wear your comfy sneakers
Not only seeing the ancient city, you can also walk in it, all the castles and temples are mottled, some rocks are sharp, and some stairs are very steep,so be gentle and careful, they're very old!
4. 絕對值得帶好的攝影配備 Worth you to bring those nice photography equipments
I don't want to say no more how beautiful it is , and it's absolutely worth you to carry your heavy tripod and other photography stuffs.
5. 攜帶水與小點心 Bring enough water and snacks
There's some small restaurant inside the Angkor city, but the city is massive, so you might not find it while you started to feel hungry, same as drinking water.
6. 遮陽防曬是必要的 sun cream is necessary
After lunch time, the sun will start to burn you like crazy, tho there always some shadow , but you know , this is why I suggest all of you to go there earlier.
7. 可以請導遊 The tourist guide
We didn't have tourist guide with us, but I heard some guide introducing the stories while walking pass by them in the temple, which sounds very professional , if you're interested of knowing their history, ask for a tourist guide might be a good choice for you, and they have English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean , which is quite impressive and convenient!

後記 Note
I'm kinda speechless of describing this amazing remains, got lots of words stuck in my mouth that you must see by yourself and you can finally understand, due to the rush schedule, we only spend one day there,it's a lil bit pity if I can visit more, but I think a whole week ticket is more suitable for those people who are doing some research or obsessed with remains and history, otherwise I think one or 3 days are enough for visiting.
Hope you found this is useful, have a nice trip :)