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柬埔寨《 暹粒旅遊指南 》Siem Reap Travel Guide

暹粒小簡介 Siem Reap



Siem Reap is a big city located in the middle of Cambodia, dry seasons from February to May, and wet seasons are July till September.

One of the most famous ancient city "Angkor Wat" is not far from Siem Reap, and Siem Reap has a very good location for transportations , like the heart of Cambodia, super convenient to transfer to other cities ,these are the reasons why Siem Reap became so popular , for personal opinion, I feel Siem Reap is even more popular than capital Phem Penn :D

This city's main income is tourism, basically it is too convenient for tourist to visit, but in a good way, there has tons of restaurants, bars, souvenir stores, spa resorts...etc, also, markets are the coolest thing in the town, and you won't miss it.

暹粒市區玩什麼 What's fun in Siem Reap city?

1. 按摩 Massage


Massage like literally everywhere, I won't say they're as good as Thai, but the price just so cheap, so it's also a good idea to go massage after a long day.

2. 美食與酒吧 Food and bars

在Pub Street那一區的餐廳和酒吧非常多,任君挑選,味道都很不錯,街上有滿多在賣香蕉煎餅,個人覺得很好吃,值得一試。

There has tons of restaurants and bars at Pub street, you can try their traditional Khmer food, also can enjoy the night life around Pub street.

3. 紀念品小店 Souvenir stores

在Pub Street之間有很多小巷弄,裡面的餐廳跟紀念品店令人驚喜。

Some cool souvenir stores are hiding in the alley, spend some time to find them and go check them out!

4. 傳統市場 Old market

Pub St. 附近有個 Old market,在那裡販售很多特色小物,那一區也是非常集中的購物、美食、美酒、夜生活區,另外,Pub Street 附近的 Bug Street 晚上會搖身一變,成為傳統小吃的夜市,那裡也很好逛。

Old market just right beside Pub street, you can find some cool (or not cool ) stuffs in the market, during the nighttime, they'll become night market and has a lot of street food to try. Bug street is another cool market which looks normal in the day time but turns out very pop in the night time,also got lots of authentic food there.

暹粒市最熱鬧的地方:Pub street、Old market

Most bustling area in Siem Reap : Pub st. and Old market

暹粒市最多人的夜店:Angkor what、Temple club

Most popular clubs in Siem Reap : Ankor what & Temple club @ pub st.

暹粒市郊玩什麼 What's fun near Siem Reap city?

1. 吳哥王朝古蹟區 Ancient city of Angkor


The incredible Angkor kingdom it's not only has Angkor wat, other's like Bayon,Banteay Srei ... are also very close to Angkor wat, you will spend whole day to explore this spectacular historical remains, and they're not far from Siem Reap city! ( like 10 kms away )

2. 鱷魚養殖場 Crocodiles farm

在暹粒市郊的鱷魚養殖場,費用為$3 USD,很小很小的一個養殖場,但是真的非常多的鱷魚,會有專人幫你解說,沒有特別推薦,但是想看鱷魚的人,在那裡就是一年四季都能看到非常多的鱷魚。

There is a small crocodiles farm near Siem Reap, and the ticket is like $3 USD, I have to say, it is VERY small, but they do have A LOT of crocs, there will also has a tourist guide with you, I won't highly recommend this place, but if you wanna see crocs tho.

3. 水上市場 Kompong Phluk Floating Village

位於暹粒市區車程三十分鐘的水上村莊,二月到五月為乾季,水位會偏低,但還是看得到水上市場,在七月到九月雨季的時候,整個周遭的村莊水位都會高漲,必須划船進去,當地的房屋都是用木頭架高,離地面非常的遠,是很有特色的村莊,划船進去市場的門票為$20 USD,個人覺得不用特別坐船進去,因為村莊裡的水上市場是為了觀光客而開的,倒是附近的村莊很值得一逛!

Floating village is one of the coolest thing to see outside the Siem Reap city, it is 30 mins away from Siem Reap by car, from February to May is their dry season, you can visit it during that time but the tide will be pretty low. July to September are wet season, the tide will become very high as you want, you can also try to take a boat into the floating market, to get into the floating market is like $20 USD, I don't think is necessary to go inside the market cuz basically, they build it for tourists, that's what I feel, but it is definitely worth to spend some time outside the market but explore the local villages near by.

4. 吳哥國家博物館 Angkor National Museum

門票為$12 USD,主要就是介紹吳哥王國的歷史,地點在前往吳哥窟的路上,並不會離市區太遠,另外還有地雷博物館,民俗文化村⋯⋯等。

Ticket is $12 USD, it is on the way from Siem Reap to Angkor Wat, you can see the Khmer, Angkor history introductions...The Cambodia Landmine Museum and Cambodian Cultural Village are also not too far from Siem Reap city.

市區的自助服務 Service in town

1. 購買行程到吳哥窟 Buying tour to Angkor wat

要去吳哥窟的朋友,可以在暹粒市區(Pub St.)買到團體的行程,可選擇日出場或者是日落場,價位為15~20USD不等,除了把你載到吳哥窟外,有些也會付飯店接送服務,甚至是中文、英文導遊服務,這邊就不細說吳哥窟的旅遊指南,詳情請見#Cambodia

If you wanna visit Angkor wat, there has a lot of tour packages in the town ( near pub st. ), you can choose sunrise or sunset package, price from $15 to $ 20, they will give you pick up service from hotel to ancient city , also there will have tour guide with English or Chinese ... , all the details will be written in #Cambodia

2. 購買車票到其他城市 Buying bus ticket to other cities

要從暹粒移動到其他城市的朋友,可在暹粒市區(Pub St.),購買巴士車票,不管是想要去西邊享受海島風情,或是東邊的野生叢林探險,幾乎都能買到過夜巴士的車票,甚至還可以買到去胡志明市甚至清邁的車票

Moving to other city from Siem Reap also super easy, from west coast with beach style, to east side with jungle trek, you can easily fond ticket agencies around pub st., you can even buy the ticket to Chiang Mai or Ho Chi Minh.

3. 出租摩托車或腳踏車 Rent a bike or scooter


Same here , It gots tons of agencies which can rent bike or moto bike near Pub st., if you wanna visit the city side without taking a tuk tuk, ride a bike will be a good idea, remember to bring your passport when you rent a motorbike, the rental for motor bike is from $10 to $20, and bike is definetilly cheaper than scooter.

暹粒旅遊小貼士 Siem Reap travel tips

1. 記得戴口罩 Bring your mask


The road at Siem Reap has A LOT OF dust while driving, like literally A LOT.

2. 住在離pubstreet大約一公里左右的背包客棧或飯店 Stay 1 km from Pub street

Pub street 為暹粒最熱鬧的大街,顧名思義也有很多Pubs林立,更是名符其實的不夜城,擔心太吵又不想離市區太遠?個人覺得一公里左右是個很完美的距離。

Pub street is the most popular street in Siem Reap , around that area also has a lot of bars and restaurants, stores, it will definitely become bombing at the night time, still wanna close to pop area but afraid of noise ? one km is the perfect distance for finding an accommodation around pub street ! ( cuz I tried )

3. 按摩很輕 " Touching " massage


You can see massage and spa everywhere with super affordable price, but for personal experiences , the massage are very soft, so try fifteen minutes at the beginning , see if you like it then decide to add more time.

4. 路邊的果汁與香蕉煎餅必試 Street juice bar and banana pancakes are on your must-do list


Who don't like fresh fruit juice ? you can find some street pedlar selling tasty juice, the fruits are very sweet so make a note if you don't like it be too sweet, ask then to make it with no sugar, and banana pancakes are also so good , got different sauce or jam can mix with !

5. 可租摩托車到鄉間晃晃 Rent a motorbike to explore the village


Siem Reap is a kind of city you'll only see "tourism side", if you wanna visit their local village with real face of Cambodia, bring your map and rent a bike, you will see a whole different vision of Cambodia.

6. 攜帶飯店名片 Bring the hotel name card with you


I tried few time with random tuktuk drivers, not every of them know your hotel's name, even you said the address, so don't forget to bring the name card with you, just in case.

我在暹粒前前後後待了四天,有一天都花在吳哥窟上,其他幾天都在市區以及市郊亂晃,如果要建議的話,我會建議吳哥窟排一到三天,暹粒大概只要兩到三天即可,它不是一個很大的城市,而且整體來說觀光感很重,要是我的話我會比較希望把多一點時間花在比較有當地文化的地方,給大家參考看看我的建議,以上就是我給大家的暹粒旅遊指南,祝大家玩得愉快 :3

I stayed in Siem Reap for 4 days in totally, 1 full day in Angkor temples, other 3 days for visit Siem Reap town and outside the town, I'll suggest you to spend one to three days in Angkor city , and two to three days in Siem Reap city, for me , Siem Reap still looks like a city which build for tourists , and I will rather spend more time to explore the local villages , so here is my guide of Siem Reap, hope you enjoy :)

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