開始在柬埔寨旅行《 行前準備 》Let's Do Cambodia : Preparation

I planned a vacation on the Chinese New Year, spent 8 days in Cambodia, travel to Siem Reap , Angkor temples, Sihanoukville and Koh Rong Samloem.
Not only the ancient city, you can also experience the beach and island life in Cambodia!
Here is some guide of preparation for this trip, zet's get start it :)

行前準備 Before your trip
匯率 Currency
In Cambodia, they barely use riel (KHR), so you can just bring the USD dollors with you, don't forget to change your cash to $1~$5 dollor,they're the most banknote you'll use.
簽證 Visa
下飛機後就可以直接前往“ Visa on arrivel ”的櫃檯,那裡就是辦落地簽的地方,海關人員會給你一個表格,就像入境卡一樣填寫就好了,之後再拿著簽證卡入境即可。
If you're Taiwanese, you can use visa on arrivel, it is $30 per person, remember to bring you're mugshot, otherwise you'll need to pay $2 more dollors.
When you arrived, follow the sign and find the counter "Visa on arrivel", customs officers will give you a form, basically it is asking your personal informations , fill it in and hand to the officers, wait for your visa documents and then you're good to go !
電話 Phone
我這次沒有買電話卡,因為無線網路還挺發達,飯店、餐廳隨處可見Free wifi,個人覺得不需要買。
如果需要的話,金邊(Phem Penn)國際機場就可以買(但暹粒不確定有沒有),並有多種電信業可以選(如:Hello、Smart...等)但功用大同小異,機場沒買到的話,市區的電信行或是大一點的便利商店都買得到,價位從$2~5元都有,可以儲值錢在裡面,無線上網為3G吃流量,也是用完可再加值。
I didn't bought SIM card or wifi with me this time, cuz this trip, most of the accommodations I stayed are hotel, I did not do couch surfing or backpacking , and its very easy to find wifi in the restaurants or bars, so I don't feel necessary to buy it.
But! if you wanna buy SIM card or internet, Phem Penn international airport has sevarel telecommunications companies that you can choose, functions are pretty similar, just choose one suit you the most!
Not sure if Siem Reap airport has any place to buy, tbh I didn't see one, but it is also very easy to find telecommunications company in the town (like Hello, Smart....etc), usually they're from $2 ~ $5 , depends on what program you choose.
插頭 Plug
Cambodian voltage is 230V, I bring i-phone charger with me, and it has voltage transfer function, so I didn't use voltage transfer plug at all, if your plug doesn't has transfer function, you can also get it in the market very easily.
治安 Safety
It's very easy to see beggars or see peddlers follow you and trying to sell stuffs, nothing too crazy happened, but during that time, my friend's wallet got stolen on the bus, I went to police office with her, and saw tourists queuing out side the office waiting to report, I guess the safety is not as good as Taiwan (well.. Taiwan is just way too safe :P) I won't say it is super dangerous, but if you have schedule, it might waste your time to report the case .
Highly suggest : if you're going out for night life, keep your phone at home.
衛生 Hygiene
It is not a good idea to drink the sink water in Cambodia, and trust me, you won't like to try. Local foods are average spicy with heavy taste, curry is the most popular food in Khmer, if you have some issue with your stomach, remember to bring some pills with you.
For my personal experience, my stomach started to getting wierd after the third day, everytime I eat, my stomach will feel pain, but once I stopped, the painful will disappear as well, still have no clue, but just sharing my experiences, take care everyone, you don't want have this issue while traveling.

建議攜帶 Recommended to bring
1. 口罩或絲巾 Mask or scarf
Highly recommended!! A LOT OF dust on the street while taking tuk tuk or driving, the air quality is not very good in Cambodia (sorry ... but it's true :( ..) after my third day, my throat apparent feel uncomfortable while walking on the street, bring a mask or scarf with you to cover the dust in the air, you won't regret.
2. 防蚊液 Insect repellent
也是強烈建議,這種亞熱帶國家的蚊蟲都很猖狂^^" 白天還好,尤其黃昏後出沒的蚊蟲最兇猛。
I think I don't need to describe how crazy the mosqitos are in the south of Asia, you know what I mean.
3. 早晚溫差大 Large temperature difference
I went there at September,it is their wet season, in the morning, there are extremely hot, but also it will feel a bit chilly during the night, bring a thin jacket with you might be a good tip for this trip.
4. 防曬油 Suncreen
Unless you wanna get tanned. (But still need to protect your skin, right ?)
5. 衣服不用帶太多 Light garments
八天的行程,個人覺得四套即可,貼身衣物可手洗找地方曬,天氣很熱一下就乾,飯店都有洗衣服務,背包客者,街上也隨處可見“ Laundry ”自助洗衣店。
8 days trip in Cambodia, I think 4 set garments will be enough to go, easy to wash, dry very fast, also very easy to find laundry in the town.

選擇性攜帶 Maybe you will like to bring...
1. 書 Book
You might spend some time travel from cit to city, and books never get old.
2. 布鞋 Sneakers
If you wanna visit Angkor Wat and other temples, you will walk A LOT and spend all day climbing up and down,need a pair of sneakers ? you tell me.
3. 腳架 Tripod
Again, if you wanna visit Angkor Wat, bring a tripod with you, it might be annoyed to carry it, but you will definitely get some amazing photos because of this tripod!
4. 泳衣 Swimming suits
You never know.
5. 盥洗用品 Toiletries
Depends on what kind of accommodation you stay, if you'll like to try backpacking in Cambodia, don't forget to bring your own toiletries.
6. 胃藥 Stomach pills
Depends on if you have a sensitive stomach tho :P

我自己覺得柬埔寨是個很異國風情的國度,我非常喜歡那邊的氛圍,也知道這不會是我最後一次去柬埔寨旅遊,希望這篇文章有幫助到你,祝你在柬埔寨玩得愉快 :3
So, it's pretty much like this, today I just sharing my personal experiences and opinions, I enjoyed my trip in Cambodia VERY much! you guys know I always like south of Asia and never get enough of beach or island, I will definitely travel to Cambodia soon, and I hope all of you enjoy your trip at there too, hope you find this useful, have fun :3